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An Emergency Saturday Favor Post.

Michael Moore was on Stephen Colbert's unfunny talk show to add to the hilarity because he has a new movie set to be released soon . I don't know when or what it's called because I'll almost certainly never see it but this is a different kind of post. It's not really political per se, or even really about Michael Moore. It just happens to come with Michael Moore because this statement reminded me I wanted and needed to write this. This is what he said

We Have to ‘Put Our Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump

No this post is about a favor I have to ask of you. A serious favor. I wasn't going to write anything at all today. I was going to post a You Tube video of a song I liked and go on with my day but I need to write this. First let me add something before I ask the favor.

Most people have a few close friends. Two or three maybe? They tend to think alike, like the same things, believe the same things...that's why they're your friends. A bubble if you will. That's pretty much the case with everyone no matter what your politics are, so everyone is guilty if you really want to think of it that way. The old saying "birds of a feather flock together" wasn't made up by some drunk guy. I'm financially pretty conservative but socially I'm a depraved, pretty much anything goes mad man so I tend to see things through that prism. But I've always prided myself on being a pretty social guy and having a lot of friends and talking to a lot of people of all persuasions no matter who they are, or what they believe, because people are people and if you're cool I really don't care what you believe and so here comes the favor I need...

This chorus seems to have gotten louder and more serious lately and Liberals have to cool it with all the civil war, and the resist talk. I'm begging - no warning - you. You don't know what you're doing and you don't realize what you're saying. It's fun to talk about with your friends and you get to relive your grandparents halcyon days of the 1960s but you have to stop. Consider me the guy that begs the outlaws to stop making fun of the gunslingers horse because you don't know what you're doing. If you want civil war I personally know people that will be more than happy to bring it to you. I know two people that have literal bunkers. One guy, on acreage in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin, and the other, a very, very heavily armed woman. For real honest to God prepper types.

This is not a joke.

Like the guy I know that sleeps with a .44 Magnum under his pillow. I don't know how he sleeps like that because the thing is a fucking cannon and it can punch a hole through an engine block. And he has more. Lots more.  Trust me, he's chomping at the bit just waiting for the chance to legally bring it to you. My friend the half crazy, ex-Marine machine gunner that served two tours of duty in Afghanistan? You think he's on "your" side? With the pussy hats and the "gender fluidity", and the five different all inclusive bathrooms?  He isn't, I promise.  I really don't hang around with them anymore but I know people that will kick in your front door, remove your head, and then go to dinner like nothing happened. If you think I'm kidding, I am not.  These are very scary, very dangerous people. They don't sit around at wine and cheese parties talking about the plight of the underprivileged or worry about immigrant children. These are things you only learn about people after knowing them for a while. I keep them mostly at arms length now but they're definitely out there walking the streets.

So this is my favor, I'm asking, no begging you to please cool it with all the civil war talk because it's only a matter of time before you get what you want, and there's another old saying. "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it."  The world isn't Twitter, none of this is real. Your Facebook group and your Twitter friends make it all sound great, and exciting and maybe it makes you feel like you're a part of something bigger, but there are no winners here. I'm your friend and I'm telling you, if you want a fight, they'll give it to you and it's a fight you can't - and won't - win.

I wrote this almost three years ago. I took it down at the time but I'm reposting it now

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