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I'm On The Interweb!

Welcome to my nail blog! I have recently rekindled a passion for painting my nails and trying out new nail art. When I was a teenager, I painted my nails every couple of days, created my own nail polishes, and tried out different designs. It's been a long time, but I recently started painting my nails again, and how wonderful it is! It has been a kind of therapy for me. Life has been a bit difficult for me over the past few years, but starting a few months ago, I began doing my nails after being inspired by a co-worker. Every Saturday, I sit down and spend a few hours coming up with a design and then painting my nails. I thought it was about time I shared my handiwork somewhere else besides Pinterest. So, here goes. I hope you enjoy what I have done, and feel as inspired as I do to create beautiful nails.

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