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Life Lately

I'm back! I had to take a 2-day break from Summer Wind because holy cow I have been insanely busy! I post Monday-Friday and sometimes on Saturday. In the past 10 years of blogging, I have rarely ever missed posting. This is the first time in Summer Wind history I have ever missed two posts in a row!! I was honestly having a lot of anxiety about it but there was truly nothing I could really do. 

So, I thought today I would share what has been going on lately! Last weekend, I was in Canada for my mom's birthday weekend. We had such a wonderful time. When I got home late on Sunday night, I went straight to bed but ended up getting some sort of weird stomach flu for the following 24 hours. I was pretty useless all Monday. 

Then, on Tuesday, I ended up getting a terrible cold...This was like the series of unfortunate events. I tried SO hard to get work done and pack but I could barely do anything. I would pack a little bit but have to lay down every 10 minutes. 

I was so worried about the next day because I had to fly to New York. Luckily, by Wednesday morning, I felt a little better and was able to head to the airport that morning. 

Normally, I would have spent the beginning of my week working ahead because I knew I had a crazy upcoming schedule, but being sick took it right out of me. It was a good reminder that you can't always have control. 
White Button Down// Jeans (old, similar)
I ended up meeting my friend Eugenia when I landed in New York. I met her at her office and can I just say that she has the coolest job and she is also one of the hardest workers I know. She works at theSkimm and gave me a tour of their offices which were so amazing. After that, we went to get manicures and pedicures- I had an exciting photo shoot the next day where I was required to have my nails done! 
Post manis, we went to Eataly. If you've never been, it's like an upscale market with restaurants throughout. We ended up eating at La Pizza La Pasta and got the Mozzarella bar and the most incredible burrata pizza. I headed back to my hotel with a full stomach and ended up in bed around 8pm since I was still not feeling well! 

Then, on Thursday morning, I got up at 6:30am and was at the photoshoot at 11 Howard by 8am. I can't chat about what the shoot was for, but I have to say it was one of the most fun and coolest experiences. There were about 15 people behind the camera as I was being shot and it was so intimidating but everyone was so beyond nice and fun to work with that they made me feel comfortable. We ended up shooting 5 different looks and each one was so different than the next. I cannot wait to see the final product! 

It was a full day so I ended up leaving the shoot around 5pm and headed to meet Katie and Carly for dinner at Chinese Tuxedo! It was so good to see the girls because I only get to see them a few times a year! It's located in the heart of Chinatown and the door is unmarked so you could easily miss it. The atmosphere is upscale casual and has a little bit of a club vibe with dark mood lighting and pulsing music. The menu was broken down into sections and there were about 6-10 dishes in each section. The food was so good. My favorite dish was the tuna tartare which I basically order at every single restaurant that offers it. The dishes weren't your typical fried rice and orange chicken but they were more upscale and unique. I would definitely recommend checking it out if you are in NYC. 
On Friday, I got up early and headed to Penn Station to take the train to Philadelphia. I met Eugenia in Philly and we drove down to DC. Eugenia is one of my best friends from high school. She is getting married in February so this past weekend we celebrated her in DC! A lot of you requested that I share an itinerary of what we did while we were there and I will share it soon- it's a very good itinerary and we all had SO much fun. It was a jam-packed weekend! 

I ended up getting home late Sunday and was hoping to get some work done but by then I was beyond exhausted. I couldn't keep my eyes open so I literally left my luggage at the door, took a shower and went straight to bed. 

I was desperate to get a good night sleep and get a full day of work in but Monday morning I had to go to a funeral so I got a bit of work done in the afternoon and then headed to the grocery store because my refrigerator was completely empty- I didn't even have eggs! 

So now I am glad to report that as of today, I am back on schedule. Last night, I unpacked, somewhat cleaned my apartment, my refrigerator is full and I got a good night of sleep. I am finally starting to feel fully better, too. I was supposed to go away again this weekend but ended up canceling it because it was just going to be too much! So there you have it, my crazy last week. 

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