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Polished For Days 2017 Reindeer Games Collection Holiday Charity Polish: Cupid

Polished For Days Cupid (3 coats)

Hi guys! I spent the past 4 days in Philadelphia. The day we got in it was a balmy 61 degrees. The next day it was pouring down rain and getting colder by the hour. Nothing exciting happened...I spent the whole time working and sleeping. Scraggles has the best dog-sitter and she absolutely adores the daughter. Apparently they would play all evening and Scraggles would sleep in the bed with her. It's all very sweet. 

Tonight I have the annual charity polish from Polished For Days. Each polish sold will get $7 towards Angel Warriors for Kids. It's technically a part of the Reindeer Games Collection, but I just bought it as a stand-alone polish. It's a red flakie polish with a subtle mix of green flakes in there with a silver holo flake finish. It's basically a flakie bomb! The red and silver together gives it an almost pink hue at times, which I'm 100% ok with. You could get away with 2 coats, but I did a third because macro photos tend to show every tiny bald spot. It applied easily and had no texture after a coat of topcoat. Removal took a little extra elbow grease, but nothing like a glitter polish. 

This one is a beauty, and I love that the proceeds go towards a great charity. I've never been disappointed with any Polished For Days colors, so please consider giving them a shot. Their monthly box (For the Love of Polish) has a new brand taking over for Illyrian Polish. Surprise, it's Shannon from Pahlish! I've been using and loving Pahlish for many years, so this is going to make me go broke! Cupid retails for $12 and it's available now on the PFD website.

Polished For Days

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